Asthma - Is it a Disease Or a Correction?
Asthma is a very devastating and debilitating condition. But is it a disease or correction? What I mean by correction is if you change what you are doing or eating it will fix the problem. The medical world in my opinion tries to label every discomfort we have as a disease. And they do so for a reason. When ever a doctor names a new disease, the food and drug administration gives the drug companies the green light to create a drug to treat your symptoms and not cure your so called disease. The down fall to taking these drugs as opposed to changing your life style is this.
1. The drug that you take are not designed to cure your problems, they are designed to treat symptoms. The drug companies make billions upon billions of dollars each year because they don't cure they treat. If they cure they lose tons of money, so they want to keep you sick.
2. Taking these drugs hurts your quality of life. Just stop and read the side effects on the labels of the drugs you buy. It's amazing how companies promote a drug as being so good, but the side effects can kill you.
My son has asthma and it is heart wrenching to see him up all night and he can't hardly breathe, he wants to go to sleep but can't because he has to take breathing treatments every two hours all night long when he has a so called asthma attack. And one of the side effects of the medicine is hyper activity. So when ever he has a bad cough or has shortness of breathe, we would give him a breathing treatment, usually before bed time. He is now ready for bed but walking back and forth in my room asking us questions about our day, what he did in school and son and so forth. We are upset because we want him to go to sleep so he can get some rest. But guest what? He can't because of the side effects! When the medicine wears off here comes the attack again and its time for another treatment, and cycle continues until whatever he ate is out of his system.
So my wife and I begin to do some research to see if there was anything we could do other than medicine to help our son with this problem. And what we discovered is amazing yet so very simple. Asthma is inflammation of the lung's airways. Stop the inflammation stop the asthma. The cause of inflammation is a result of what we put in our bodies through food and drugs. Here are some of the causes of inflammation in body: refined and bleached sugar and flour, breads made with bleached flour and sugar, chips, pastas, white rice, pretzels, sodas, ice creams, and artificial colors and preservatives.
Anywhere in the body you have inflammation, you have mucus build up. Mucus is apart of the body's defense system. Mucus is designed to drive out anything in the body that doesn't belong. So where ever you are inflamed, mucus will come and attempt to help. And that's why you have mucus build up in certain areas of the body.
Once we changed his diet we saw a change immediately. These are the foods we as Americans eat on a regular basis as snacks, desserts and quick meals almost daily. But they're harmful to our body and our over all quality of life over the long term if eaten on a regular basis. So if you want to stop the asthma and the systems that comes along with it. stop eating the foods that causes it. Once you stop eating the foods that causes it, you can stop taking the medications that causes the harmful side effects. You think about that, God bless.
I'm a husband, a father of three, and a man who wants to see America regain their health and happiness. By changing their harmful habits that debilitate their quality of life one reader at a time. Please visit my web site